Produção Científica

Time domain mCSEM data in 1-D deep water environments. MIRANDA, C. D.; REGIS, C. R. T.. In: 11th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, 2009, Salvador. |

Modelagem SÃsmica Com a Equação da Onda Anti-Dispersiva. NASCIMENTO, W. C. R.; PESTANA, R. C. In: 11th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, 2009, Salvador. |

The Samambaia intraplate fault revealed by seismological and magnetic data. NOGUEIRA, F C, BEZERRA, F H, SILVA, A M, CASTRO, D L, FERREIRA, J M, do NASCIMENTO, A F. In AGU Joint Assembly, Foz do Iguaçu, 2010. |

Critério da validação cruzada generalizada na escolha do parâmetro ótimo: aplicação em tomografia linear de tempos de trânsito. OLIVEIRA, N. P.; BASSREI, A. In: XI Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de GeofÃsica, 2009, Salvador, BA, Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil: Sociedade Brasileira de GeofÃsica, 2009. v. único. p. 1-6. |

RECENT INTRAPLATE SEISMICITY IN SOBRAL, NE BRAZIL. OLIVEIRA, P, FERREIRA, J M, do NASCIMENTO, A F, BEZERRA, F H, SOARES, J P, FUCK, R A. In AGU Joint Assembly, Foz do Iguaçu, 2010. OLIVEIRA, R G, MEDEIROS, W E. Gravity and Magnetic Signatures of the Gondwana Assemblage in the Borborema Province. In AGU Joint Assembly, Foz do Iguaçu, 2010. |

Espessura da crosta da ProvÃncia Borborema, da área oceânica adjacente e do Norte do Cráton do São Francisco. OLIVEIRA, R.G.; MEDEIROS, W.E. 2009. In: 11th International Congress of The Brazilian Geophysical Society, Salvador, Brazil, Agosto 2009. Publicado em CD. |

2.5D True-amplitude diffraction-stack redatuming: numerical tests. OLIVEIRA, F. S.; PILA, M. F.; NOVAIS, A.; COSTA, J. C.; SCHLEICHER, J.. In: 11th International Congress of the SBGf, 2009, Salvador. Expanded Abstracts. Rio de Janeiro: Soc. Bras. Geof. (SBGf), 2009. |

An Autonomous Control Strategy Alternative for Critical Industrial Automated Systems. PACHECO, Luciana de Almeida; LEPIKSON, H. A.. In: 13th IFAC Symposium on INFORMATION CONTROL PROBLEMS IN MANUFACTURING INCOM 09, 2009, Moscow. Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Symposium on INFORMATION CONTROL PROBLEMS IN MANUFACTURING. Laxenburg, Austria: IFAC - International Federation of Automatic Control, 2009. v. 1. p. 1-8. |

Rapid expansion method (REM) for time-stepping in reverse time migration (RTM). PESTANA, R. C.; STOFFA, Louis Paul. In: SEG Houston 2009 International Exposition and Annual Meeting, 2009, Houston. SEG 79th International Exposition and Annual Meeting, 2009. p. 2819-2823. |

Rapid expansion method (REM) for time-stepping in reverse time migration (RTM). PESTANA, R. C.; STOFFA, Louis Paul. In: 11th International Congress of The Brazilian Geophysical Society, 2009, Salvador. |
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