Produção Científica

Seismicity and seismic hazard assessment in Northeastern Brazil. FERREIRA, J M, do NASCIMENTO, A F, BEZERRA, F H. In AGU Joint Assembly, Foz do Iguaçu, 2010. |

Challenges and Issues of the Integration of RADIC into OpenMPI. FIALHO, Leonardo; SANTOS, G. A. S.; DUARTE, A. A.; REXACHS, D.; LUQUE, E.. In: Euro PVM/MPI 2009, 2009, Espoo. Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface. New York: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009. v. 5759. p. 73-83. |

Migração reversa no tempo usando derivadas espaciais calculadas implicitamente. FIGUEREDO, Nei D.; PESTANA, R. C.; KOSLOFF, D. In: 11th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, 2009, Salvador. 11th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, 2009. |

Fourth-order statistics for parameter estimation. LIMA, E. ; SANTOS, L. T.; SCHLEICHER, J. ; TYGEL, M.. In: 11th International Congress of the SBGf, 2009, Salvador. Expanded Abstracts. Rio de Janeiro : Soc. Bras. Geof. (SBGf), 2009. p. 1748:1-6. |

Enhancing the Performance of ANN off-line Training Methods. LUDWIG JR, Oswaldo; SCHNITMAN, L.; NUNES, Urbano. In: Conference on Control and Applications - EUROCAST 2009, 2009, Canary Island. Proceedings of the EUROCAST-2009, 2009. p. 328-330. |

Modelagem Unidimensional do MCSEM com Posicionamento Aleatório dos Receptores. LUZ, E. C.; REGIS, C. R. T.. In: 11th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, 2009, Salvador. 11th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society Expanded Abstracts, 2009. |

Velocity analysis on CMP sections based on the smearing paradigm. MACEDO, D.L., FIGUEIREDO, J. J. S., PORTUGAL, R.S. In: 79th Ann. Internat. Mtg. Houston. Expanded Abstracts.Tulsa: Soc. Expl. Geophysicists. P. 3755-3759. 2010. |

Desenvolvimentos no processamento de dados eletromagnéticos obtidos com o protótipo de um sistema indutivo a multifrequência aplicado a campos de petróleo. MACHADO, M. V. B.; DIAS, C. A.; SATO, H. K.. In: 11th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society. Rio de Janeiro: Brazilian Geophysical Society, 2009. v. único. |

Subduction Initiation at Passive Margins: the Brazilian Margin as a Prototype Candidate. MARQUES, F O, GERYA, T, NIKOLAEVA, K, ASSUMPÇÃO, M, NASCIMENTO, A F, BEZERRA, F H, FERREIRA, J M, MEDEIROS, W E. In AGU Joint Assembly, Foz do Iguaçu, 2010. |

Gravitational Admittance Analysis of the Borborema Province and its Continental Margins (Invited). MEDEIROS, W E, OLIVEIRA, R G. In AGU Joint Assembly, Foz do Iguaçu, 2010. |
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