Produção Científica

Artigo em Revista

Numerical modeling of flexural stresses in the upper crust of NE Brazil – Implications for stress regimes in intraplate settings
We model the contribution of the stresses generated by the topography and density heterogeneities in the stress field of NE Brazil and the interplay between these and regional stresses. Our model consists of a horizontally layered elastic slab (the lithosphere) that floats above an inviscid fluid (the asthenosphere), where the surface
load is generated by the topography and bathymetry, and the internal loads are calculated from the Bouguer anomalies. The deviatoric flexural stresses are calculated in the Fourier domain. Our results showed local flexural stresses with magnitudes comparable to those of the plate-wide stresses, and mainly controlled by the long-wavelength Bouguer anomalies. Scenarios for the total stress field were calculated by superposing different values for an E-W-oriented regional compression. We predict the stress axes orientations and stress regimes for the equatorial margin and the Pernambuco Shear Zone (PESZ) region. However, we highlight the importance of spreading stresses, not considered here, in rotating the maximum horizontal compression (SHmax) predictions. The prediction of stress regime and stress axes orientation in PESZ using low to zero regional compression suggest that a decoupling of the shallow stresses from the plate-wide stresses might occur in this region. Another possible explanation found was that the spreading stresses might counterbalance the regional stresses. We conclude that the superposition of principally flexural and plate-wide stresses explains reasonably the observed stress regimes and SHmax orientations in a great part of NE Brazil. Furthermore, flexural stresses are playing an important role in the reactivation of the PESZ, possibly controlling the stress field.

Artigo em Revista

Geophysical evidence for doming during the Pan-African/Brasiliano orogeny in the SeridĂł belt, Borborema Province, Brazil
The Neoproterozoic SeridĂł belt located in the Borborema Province, NE Brazil, was deformed and metamorphosed in the Pan-African/Brasiliano orogeny. The basement rocks of the belt were submitted to intense partial melting to form dome-like structures as documented in the Santa Luzia anatetic dome. The aeromagnetic map of the SeridĂł belt shows a long-wavelength anomaly with elongated sigmoidal shape, whose limits coincide with shear zones. Comparison with gravity data shows that both anomalies share common sources, which are felsicrocks more magnetic and less dense than the surrounding crust. Correlation with geology shows that the geophysical anomalies are associated with magnetite-rich migmatites and granites. We modelled the geophysical datasets using magnetic susceptibility and density values from measurements in cores of a stratigraphic borehole. The results are consistent with a migmatite-dome system formed in the south-central part of the belt. This large-scale crustal structure is composed of elongated internal domes, which were geophysically modelled as four anomalous bodies, that resulted from partial melting of rocks mostly of the basement. The anomalies define an elongated migmatite-dome system with the main axis in the NNE-SSW direction that progressively bends to EW approaching to the Patos shear zone, thus indicating that this shear zone had a key role in shaping the domic
structure. The migmatitic domes of the SeridĂł belt compose a fault-related dome system, formed in association
with the broad strike-slip shear zone array of the Patos-SeridĂł system, which evolved through the crustal extrusion resulting from the continental collisions that amalgamated West Gondwana in the Ediacara.

Artigo em Revista

Parallel Source Scanning Algorithm using GPUs
The use of methods using waveform stacking are nowadays more common in microseismic monitoring applications because they avoid manual or automatic phase picking. The Source Scanning Algorithm (SSA) is a widely known technique in which the source location is estimated using a brightness function obtained from stacking the normalized absolute amplitude seismograms recorded at several stations. The SSA has the advantage of the straightforwardness of its implementation but has the inconvenience of being computationally costly even for small-scale experiments. Our approach is then to parallelize the sequential SSA using graphics processing units (GPUs), and we named this parallel version pSSA. We have parallelized the Stacking step of the SSA Algorithm because this is by far the most computationally demanding Step. This can be done efficiently because of the spatial independence of the data. In our test cases we performed sequential and parallel computations of the SSA and pSSA in two different platforms. Additionally, we compared the performance
of pSSA with a parallel implementation using OpenMP. We demonstrate that pSSA has produced speedups up to 125× as compared to the sequential version. We implemented a client–server architecture to receive and process the data. This architecture can treat with various simultaneous clients and also with out-of-order data packets. This allows for re-sending lost or corrupted data. We anticipate that pSSA has the impact of allowing SSA like algorithm to be used in microseismic experiment design and the use of on-site real-time denoising techniques, as well as the potential of being used in traffic light warning systems for fluid injection operations.

Artigo em Revista

Karstification and fluid flow in carbonate units controlled by propagation and linkage of mesoscale fractures, JandaĂ­ra Formation, Brazil
This study examines how centimeter- to meter-long fracture sets propagate, link and form m-long structures, which are then karstified in the vadose (aerated) zone in the upper parts of exposed layered carbonate units. We characterize the fracture patterns, including both mesoscale extensional joints, veins, stylolites and macroscale faults, within the Rosario pavement, which is a 1100-m-long, 340-m-wide outcrop in the Jandaíra Formation, Potiguar Basin in semiarid Brazil. The work compares the directions of the mesoscale structures with the strikes of surface collapse dolines and cave conduits at depths of 10–20 m. The main results indicate that the background (diffuse) deformation consists mostly of bed-perpendicular, stratabound N-S-striking veins and extensional (opening mode-I) fractures and E-W- to ENE-WSW-striking stylolites, which are consistent with the same stress field. Both sets of structures are laterally continuous and are commonly traceable across the pavement. Linkage of stylolites and stratabound fractures formed via throughgoing fractures that affected several layers, as deep as 15 m. The throughgoing fractures were favorable structures for fluid pathway formation and karstification in the epigenetic environment. We conclude that sets of mesoscale structures fit with the orientations of the collapse dolines and subhorizontal cave passages, and induced hydraulic anisotropy within the vadose level. These findings indicate that the fractures, veins and stylolites grow, link and form localized vertical conduits for water percolation and karst development. These findings can constrain future models and numerical simulations of karst conduits in investigations of groundwater and oil reservoirs.

Artigo em Revista

Can Euler deconvolution outline three-dimensional magnetic sources?
Severe limitations of the standard Euler deconvolution to outline source shapes have been pointed out. However, Euler deconvolution has been widely employed on field data to outline interfaces, as faults and thrust zones. We investigate the limitations of the 3D Euler deconvolution–derived estimates of source dip and volume with the use of reduced-to-the-pole synthetic and field anomalies. The synthetic anomalies are generated by two types of source bodies: (1) uniformly magnetized prisms, presenting either smooth or rough interfaces, and (2) bodies presenting smooth delimiting interfaces but strong internal variation of magnetization intensity. The dip of the first
type of body might be estimated from the Euler econvolution solution cluster if the ratio between the depth to the top and vertical extent is relatively high (>1/4). For the second type of body, besides dip, the source volume can be approximately delimited from the solution cluster envelope, regardless of the referred ratio. We apply Euler deconvolution to two field anomalies which are caused by a curved-shape thrust zone and by a banded iron formation. These anomalies are chosen because they share characteristics with the two types of synthetic bodies. For the thrust zone, the obtained Euler deconvolution solutions show spatial distribution allowing to estimate a source
dip that is consistent with the surface geology data, even if the above-mentioned ratio is much less than 1/4. Thus, there are other factors, such as a heterogeneous magnetization, which might be controlling the vertical spreading of the Euler deconvolution solutions in the thrust zone. On the other hand, for the iron-ore formation, the solution cluster spreads out occupying a volume, in accordance with the results obtained with the synthetic sources having internal variation of magnetization intensity. As conclusion, although Euler deconvolution–derived solutions cannot offer accurate estimates of source shapes, they might provide a sufficient degree of reliability in the initial estimates of the source dip and volume, which may be useful in a later phase of more accurate modelling.

Artigo em Revista

A new look at the causes of “polarization” horns in electromagnetic well logging
So-called polarization horns appear in electromagnetic well
logs when the sondes move through the interface between
formations of different conductivities. Since the early 1990s, peaks in the logs have been attributed to the influence of surface charges due to the presence of electric field components perpendicular to the interfaces. A new analysis finds that surface charges should not be pinpointed as the immediate cause for the appearance of interface peaks in electromagnetic logs from any
tool operating in any frequency range. This is accomplished by calculating the derivatives of the magnetic field components with respect to the sonde’s vertical position as it crosses the interface between two homogeneous isotropic media. The mathematical expressions reveal the components with smooth transitions and the ones with discontinuities in their rates of change across the interface. The analysis is applied to the four components needed to simulate the responses of coaxial and coplanar coil configurations in dipping logs. The results show that only the horizontal field from a horizontal dipole source suffers an influence from the current density field perpendicular to the interface between the two media, which gives rise to
surface charges, but even for this component, the nonsmooth
transitions are not associated with the perpendicular current. An anisotropic example gives further support to the conclusion that the polarization horns are associated with the discontinuous current density field parallel to the interface rather than with the continuous current across the interface.

Artigo em Revista

GEMM3D: An Edge Finite Element program for 3D modeling of electromagnetic fields and sensitivities for geophysical applications
This paper presents the 3D modeling program GEMM3D (Geophysical ElectroMagnetic Modeling 3D), a Fortran
program for modeling frequency domain electromagnetic responses of geophysical sources in three-dimensional
models. The program is an implementation of the Edge Finite Element method, in an electric field formulation,
to simulate any electromagnetic source of interest, at all frequencies that are used in the geophysical methods in
the quasi-static regime. Its current version includes routines for plane waves and simulation of magnetotelluric
data; electrical and magnetic dipoles; circular loops. Other sources and configurations may easily be included
with the addition of routines for simulating primary (layered earth) fields. The program includes routines for
calculating sensitivities using the Adjoint State method, which makes efficient use of direct solvers for factoring
once and solving for multiple systems with the same coefficient matrix. The paper details the methods, the
implementation, and the usage of the program. Validation tests are presented for different sources. The program
is freely available for use in research and teaching.

Artigo em Revista

Analysis of Eshelby-Cheng’s model in anisotropic porous cracked medium: An ultrasonic physical modeling approach
Many effective medium theories are designed to describe the macroscopic properties of a medium (the rock, or reservoir in this case) in terms of the properties of its constituents (the background matrix of the rock and the inclusions, for our scenario). A very well known effective medium theory is the Eshelby-Cheng model, which was studied by us in previous work, being tested for the case where the background medium was weakly-anisotropic and porous. The analysis was done testing elastic velocities and Thomsen parameters - as a function of crack density for fixed values of aspect ratio - predicted by the model with data acquired from synthetic rock samples. In this work, we aim to complete the analysis of the Eshelby-Cheng model capabilities when applied to rocks with porous and vertical transversely isotropic (VTI) backgrounds, testing the model for the elastic velocities as functions of aspect ratio - for fixed values of crack density - against experimental data. The data used to test the model were obtained from 17 synthetic rock samples, one uncracked and 16 cracked, the latter divided into four groups of four samples each, each group with cracks having the same aspect ratio, but with the samples having different crack densities. In these samples, ultrasonic pulse transmission measurements were
performed to obtain the experimental velocities used to test the model. As was not possible to acquire data for velocity as a function of aspect ratio for fixed values of
crack density, we performed interpolations of the experimental data to estimate these velocities. Eshelby-Cheng model effective velocities and Thomsen parameters
were calculated using three formulations proposed for the crack porosity: one proposed by Thomsen, the second one proposed in our previous work (which depends
only on the crack density) and the third one proposed in this work (which depends on the crack porosity and the aspect ratio, just like Thomsen’s proposal). The
comparisons between elastic velocities and Thomsen parameters - as function of crack aspect ratio, for fixed values of crack density - predicted by the model and
estimated from the data via interpolation showed that the third formulation produced better fittings (lower root-mean-square errors) between model and experimental data for all ranges of aspect ratio and crack density.

Artigo em Revista

On the seismic wavelet estimative and reflectivity recovering based on linear inversion: Well-to-seismic tie on a real data set from Viking Graben, North Sea
Tying seismic data to well data is critical in reservoir
characterization. In general, the main factors controlling a successful seismic well tie are an accurate time-depth relationship and a coherent wavelet estimate. Wavelet estimation methods are divided into two major groups: statistical and deterministic. Deterministic methods are based on using the seismic trace and the well data to estimate the wavelet. Statistical methods use only the seismic trace and generally require assumptions about the wavelet’s phase or a random process reflectivity series. We have compared the estimation of the wavelet for seismic well tie purposes through leastsquares minimization and zero-order quadratic regularization with the results obtained from homomorphic deconvolution. Both methods make no assumption regarding the wavelet’s phase or the reflectivity. The best-estimated wavelet is used
as the input to sparse-spike deconvolution to recover the
reflectivity near the well location. The results show that the wavelets estimated from both deconvolutions are similar, which builds our confidence in their accuracy. The reflectivity of the seismic section is recovered according to known stratigraphic markers (from gamma-ray logs) resent in the real data set from the Viking Graben field, Norway.

Artigo em Revista

Interval mineral and fluid densities estimation from well-logs: Application to the Norne Field dataset
Formation evaluation techniques are the key to understand subsurface rocks properties from well-logs, especially
those drilled in hydrocarbon exploration wells. Knowledge of the parameters related to different types of rocks is
traditionally used in forward determination of lithology, porosity and water saturation, which can be refined by
calibrating the input models. In this work, we perform well-log interval linear inversion with respect to formation density to investigate mineral and fluid properties in a real dataset. The method is based on an overdetermined problem, which supposes a homogeneous distribution of petrophysical parameters through stratigraphic layers and is applied in conventional reservoir rocks from the Norne Field (offshore Norway). Bulk density, gamma-ray and neutron porosity logs are employed in a workflow that relies on layer-by-layer least-squares regressions to estimate matrix, shale and fluid apparent densities. In this process, shale volume and the total density porosity are calculated depth by depth from empirical equations feed by the input logs. Therewith, the introduced inversion scheme stands as an alternative approach for well data interpretation that focuses on computing the densities of the rock constituents instead of fixing these parameters to invert fractional volumes. Furthermore, the application in two wellbores resulted in geological consistent individual densities in most intervals, except for a gas-bearing zone observed in one of the boreholes, where porosity uncertainty caused anomalous variationin grain and fluid densities.

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