Produção Científica

Artigo em Revista

The Generalized Cross Validation Method for the Selection of Regularization Parameter in Geophysical Diffraction Tomography
Inverse problems are usually ill-posed in such a way that it is necessary to use some method to reduce their deficiencies. For this purpose, we use the regularization by derivative matrices, known as Tikhonov regularization. There is a crucial problem in regularization, which is the selection of the regularization parameter λ. In this work, we use generalized cross validation (GCV) as a tool for the selection of λ. GCV is used here for an application in geophysical diffraction tomography, where the objective is to obtain the 2-D velocity distribution from the measured values of the scattered acoustic field. The results are compared to those obtained using L-curve, and also ϴ-curve, which is an extension of L-curve. We present several simulation results with synthetic data, and in general the results using GCV are equal or eventually better than the other two approaches.

Artigo em Revista

Signal time–frequency representation and decomposition using partial fractions
The Z-transform of a complex time signal (or the analytic signal of a real signal) is equal to the Z-transform of a prediction error divided by the Z-transform of the
rediction error operator. This inverse is decomposed into a sum of partial fractions, which are used to obtain impulse response operators formed by non-causal filters that complex-conjugate symmetric coefficients. The time components are obtained by convolving the filters with the original signal, and the peak frequencies, corresponding to the poles of the prediction error operator, are used for mapping the time components into frequency components. For non-stationary signals, this decomposition is done in sliding time windows, and the signal component values,
in the middle of each window, are attributed to the peak value of its frequency response that corresponds to the pole of this partial fraction component. The result is an exact, but nonunique, time–frequency representation of the input signal. A sparse signal decomposition can be obtained by summing along the frequency axis in patches with similar characteristics in the time–frequency domain. The peak amplitude frequency of each new time component is obtained by computing a scalar prediction error operator in sliding time windows, resulting in a sparse time–frequency
representation. In both cases, the result is a time–frequency matrix where an estimate of the frequency content of the input signal can be obtained by summation over the time variable. The performance of the new method is
demonstrated with excellent results on a synthetic time signal, the LIGO gravitational wave signal and seismic field data.

Artigo em Revista

A combined method using singular spectrum analysis and instantaneous frequency for the ground-roll filtering
The noise attenuation is a fundamental step in seismic data processing, especially when ground-roll suppression remains a challenge. Rank-reduction methods have become quite popular in recent decades, as they promote significant improvements in the quality of data, highlighting reflections in seismograms. We present a methodology for ground-roll filtering, which combines the application of a recursive-iterative singular spectrum analysis method,
in the time domain, as a particular way to decompose seismic data, with the computation of the average instantaneous frequency of the signal components. This combination allows for a precise estimation and filtering of the ground-roll noise. The frequency values are used
for determining, in each component, the low-frequency parts associated with the ground roll. For every single component, the ground roll is attenuated by zeroing, and stacking the data components, where the average instantaneous frequency values match the ground-roll
bandwidth of frequency. Also, in order to enhance the lateral coherence of the reflectors,we present an extension of the recursive-iterative algorithm for a multichannel case. The multichannel algorithm is applicable on a shot, or common mid-point family of seismic traces, after the normal moveout correction. The numerical results using real data show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology for ground-roll attenuation and for improving the velocity analysis.

Artigo em Revista

Potencial de exploração de não-convencionais - Bahia.
A Bahia, com seu pioneirismo e história de sucesso
na produção comercial de petróleo na Bacia do
Recôncavo, possui significativo potencial exploratório. Embora as atividades de exploração e produção estejam em declínio, devido ao baixo fator
de recuperação de poços em campos produtores
e ao desinvestimento da Petrobras na exploração
em áreas terrestre, desperta interesse o potencial de gás associado aos folhelhos da Formação
Candeias, que são rochas geradora+reservatório
de gás, pois possuem valores elevados de carbono
orgânico total e maturação térmica adequada. A
localização privilegiada da Bacia do Recôncavo,
em relação aos centros consumidores, aumenta a
importância dos reservatórios de baixa permeabilidade no cenário de E&P do estado.
Neste capítulo, será apresentado o contexto
geológico das áreas terrestres potenciais para
exploração em reservatórios não convencionais,
com maior ênfase na Bacia do Recôncavo. Será
dado destaque, ainda, à importância e ao potencial dos dados geofísicos disponíveis no BDEP/
ANP20, às contribuições da UFBA na formação de
recursos humanos para a E&P e à importância do
reprocessamento de dados sísmicos e da interpretação sismoestratigráfica na investigação do
potencial de shale gas do Estado da Bahia.

Artigo em Revista

Prestack seismic data reconstruction and denoising by orientation-dependent tensor decomposition
Multidimensional seismic data reconstruction and denoising can be achieved by assuming noiseless and complete data as low-rank matrices or tensors in the frequency-space domain. We have adopted a simple and effective approach to interpolate prestack seismic data that explores the low-rank property of multidimensional signals. The orientation-dependent tensor decomposition represents an alternative to
multilinear algebraic schemes. Our method does not need
to perform any explicit matricization, only requiring calculation of the so-called covariance matrix for one of the spatial dimensions. The elements of such a matrix are the inner products between the lower dimensional tensors in a convenient direction. The eigenvalue decomposition of the covariance matrix provides the eigenvectors for the reduced-rank approximation of the data tensor. This approximation is used for recovery and denoising, iteratively replacing the missing values. Synthetic and field data examples illustrate the method’s effectiveness for denoising and interpolating 4D and 5D seismic data with randomly missing traces.

Artigo em Revista

Time evolution of the first-order linear acoustic/elastic wave equation using Lie product formula and Taylor expansion
We propose a new numerical solution to the first-order linear acoustic/elastic wave equation. This numerical solution is based on the analytic solution of the linear acoustic/elastic wave equation and uses the Lie product formula, where the time evolution operator of the analytic solution is written as a product of exponential matrices where each exponential matrix term is then approximated by Taylor series expansion. Initially, we check the proposed approach numerically and then demonstrate that it is more accurate to apply a Taylor expansion for the exponential function identity rather than the exponential function itself. The numerical solution formulated employs a recursive procedure and also incorporates the split perfectly matched layer boundary condition. Thus, our scheme can be used to extrapolate wavefields in a stable manner with even larger time-steps than traditional finite-difference schemes. This new numerical solution is examined through the comparison of the solution of full acoustic wave equation using the Chebyshev expansion approach for the matrix exponential term. Moreover, to demonstrate the efficiency and applicability of our proposed solution, seismic modelling results of three geological models are presented and the processing time for each model is compared with the computing time taking by the Chebyshev expansion method. We also present the result of seismic modelling using the scheme based in Lie product formula and Taylor series expansion for the firstorder linear elastic wave equation in vertical transversely isotropic and tilted transversely isotropic media as well. Finally, a post-stack migration results are also shown
using the proposed method.

Artigo em Revista

Potencial gerador e maturidade térmica dos folhelhos da Formação Barreirinha, borda sul da Bacia do Amazonas, Brasil
Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o potencial gerador e o efeito da intrusiva ígnea básica na maturidade térmica das amostras com base no estudo de geoquímica orgânica e palinologia. Foram estudadas 15 amostras de rocha coletadas em um afloramento da Formação Barreirinha, borda sul da Bacia do Amazonas. Nesse afloramento foi observada uma soleira de basalto que pode ter influenciado os dados geoquímicos das amostras localizadas no topo do perfil. Os teores de Carbono orgânico total (COT; 0,04–2,06%) e os resultados da pirólise Rock-Eval indicam a presença de querogênio predominantemente dos tipos II e III, potencial gerador de hidrocarbonetos (S2; 0,04–3,00 mg HC/g rocha) variando de pobre a médio, baixa concentração de hidrocarbonetos livres (S1; 0,01–0,25 mg HC/g rocha) e uma variação na maturidade termal (Tmáx: 359–605°C).
A razão aquático-terrestre (RAT; 0,08–1,16) indica a predominância de deposição de matéria orgânica algálica, e as razões dos biomarcadores saturados [Hopanos/esteranos; gamacerano/(gamacerano + C30 hopano); TTP/(TTP + DIA); e esteranos C27-C28-C29] indicam um paleoambiente marinho com contribuição variável de componentes terrestres, devido as oscilações do nível do mar ocorridas durante o Devoniano Superior. A razão entre os isoprenóides Pristano e Fitano (P/F: 1,6–7,1) apontam ambiente sub-óxico. Os resultados da cromatografia gasosa e das razões de biomarcadores saturados dos extratos orgânicos [Ts/(Ts + Tm); C29 αββ/(αββ + ααα); C29 S/(C29 S + C29R)] indicam a variação na maturidade térmica ao longo do afloramento, e sugerem a geração e migração de óleo e gás, e/ou a degradação termal de alguns biomarcadores saturados.

Artigo em Revista

Some problems related to nonlinear 3Dmagnetoelasticity
We consider some direct and inverse problems associated with the vibration of an elastic conductive body governed by the Lamé and Maxwell equations coupled through the nonlinear magnetoelastic effect. First, we prove the existence and uniqueness result for a mixed initial-boundary value problem. Uniqueness is proved under additional assumptions on the smoothness of the solution. Second, we prove the solvability of an inverse problem, which consists of identifying the unknown scalar function α(t) in the elastic force α(t)β(x, t) acting on the body when some additional measurement is available.

Artigo em Revista

A transient wave propagation model is provided as a consequence of a new theory of porous media and wave propagation in saturated poroelastic media. This theory, in the linear case, becomes to be equivalent to the theory proposed by de Boer, R., Ehlers, W. & Liu, Z. in 1993. It leads to a model for the 1-D porous saturated column problem, which after the appropriate establishment of boundary and initial conditions, can be solved analytically
with the aid of the Laplace transform concerning time. Numerical experiments are performed to illustrate the behavior of constituents displacement fields. The theory results in having an inertial effect on the motion of solid constituents as commonly expected. However, in contrast to Biot’s theory, is not introduced by the present theory the relative acceleration as an interactive force between solid and fluid constituents to account for the apparent inertial

Artigo em Revista

Computation of Acoustic Velocity of Natural Gases With an Alternative Heat Capacity Ratio Equation and Application to Seismic Modeling
We investigate three formulations for computing acoustic velocity of natural gas and derive an equation for the heat capacity ratio, which plays a central role in these formulations. The first formulation is a compilation of fundamental equations available in the engineering literature, referred to as the DASH formulation. The second formulation is a development from the first, in which we use the derived equation for the heat capacity ratio (modified DASH). The third formulation is a mainstream method implemented in Geoscience (BW formulation). All three formulations stem from virial Equations of State that take preponderance in the exploration stage, when the detailed fluid composition is unknown and compositional methods are frequently inapplicable. We test the formulations on an extensive experimental data set of acoustic velocity of natural gases and compare the resulting accuracies. Both DASH and modified DASH formulations provide significantly higher accuracy when compared to the BW formulation. Additionally, the modified DASH, as we derive in this work, has the highest accuracy at pressures above 7000 psi, a condition typically encountered in the Brazilian pre-salt reservoirs. In a final step, we investigate how these
different formulations and corresponding accuracies in velocity computation may affect seismic modeling, using a single interface model between a dense gas reservoir and a
sealing rock. A direct comparison of amplitude versus offset modeling using our modified DASH formulation and the BW formulation shows up to 50% difference in amplitude calculation in a sensitivity exercise, especially at the longer offsets and higher pressures.

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