Produção Científica
Using artificial neural networks for pattern recognition of downhole dynamometer card in oil rod pump system. SOUZA, J A M Felippe de; BEZERRA, Marco A.D.; BARRETO FILHO, Manoel de A.; SCHNITMAN, L.. In: International Conference on artificial intelligence, knowledge, engineering and data bases, 2009, Cambridge. Proceedings of the AIKED-2009. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, 2009. v. 1. p. 230-235. |
Time Evolution of the Wave Equation using the Rapid Expansion Method for Highly Accurate RTM. STOFFA, Louis Paul; PESTANA, R. C. In: Subsalt Imaging Workshop: Focus on Azimuth, 2009, Cairo, Egypt. EAGE Subsalt Imaging Workshop: Focus on Azimuth, 2009. |
Numerical solution of the acoustic wave equation by the rapid expansion method (REM) - A one step time evolution algorithm. STOFFA, Louis Paul; PESTANA, R. C. In: SEG Houston 2009 International Exposition and Annual Meeting, 2009, Houston. SEG 77th International Exposition and Annual Meeting, 2009. p. 2672-2676. |
Numerical solution of the acoustic wave equation by the rapid expansion method (REM) - A one step time evolution algorithm. STOFFA, Louis Paul; PESTANA, R. C.. In: 11th International Congress of The Brazilian Geophysical Society, 2009, Salvador. |
Time Evolution of the Wave Equation using the Rapid Expansion Method for Highly Accurate RTM. STOFFA, Louis Paul ; PESTANA, R. C.. In: Subsalt Imaging Workshop: Focus on Azimuth, 2009, Cairo, Egypt. EAGE Subsalt Imaging Workshop: Focus on Azimuth, 2009. |
Model Reference Adaptive Control Applied to the Improvement of the Operational Conditions of a Sucker Rod Pump Syste. TORRES, Luiz; SOUZA, J A M Felippe de; SCHNITMAN, L. In: Management and Control of Production Logistics, 2010, Coimbra - PT. Processdings of the MCPL 2010, 2010. v. 1. |
Evaluation of time to depth conversion algorithms for depth velocity model building. VALENTE, L. S. S.; COSTA, J. C.; SCHLEICHER, J.. In: 11th International Congress of the SBGf, 2009, Salvador. Expanded Abstracts. Rio de Janeiro: Soc. Bras. Geof. (SBGf), 2009. |
Progress Report on Electromagnetic Induction Studies in the Borborema Province, NE Brazil. VITORELLO, I, PÁDUA, M.B., FONTES, S.L., FUCK, R.A., BOLOGNA, M.S., PADILHA, A.L., MEDEIROS, W.E. In AGU Joint Assembly, Foz do Iguaçu, 2010. |
Utilização do Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) no imageamento da estruturação neotectônica da formação Barreiras na porção ocidental da Bacia Potiguar Região de Icapuí (NE do Ceará). XAVIER NETO, Pedro; Sousa, D.C.; MEDEIROS, W. E.; JARDIM DE SÁ, E. F. J.. In: 11th International Congress of The Brazilian Geophysical Society, 2009, Salvador/BA. Expanded Abstracts - 11th International Congress of The Brazilian Geophysical Society, 2009. |
Tese de Doutorado
Inversão hipocentral utilizando vínculos de proximidade a eixo ou plano. Flavio Lemos de Santana. 2010. Tese (Doutorado em Geodinâmica e Geofísica) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. Orientador: Walter Eugênio de Medeiros. |
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